Henrietta FFA
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AST Organizational Format

The following guidelines have been established to assist in the efficient functioning of the Area IV FFA and Ag teachers groups. These guidelines may be amended and adapted as time and changing needs warrant.

1) Area AST Executive Committee

A) The composition of the committee shall be the Area IV President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and each District President and Secretary/Treasurer of the current year.
B) The Area IV President will serve as chairman of the committee.
C) Following a year of service, the teacher serving as Secretary shall become the Area Vice President, the Vice President shall become the Area President, and the outgoing president shall recommend to a committee of former Area Presidents, the name of an Ag teacher from his/her district to be elected as Area IV Secretary/Treasurer.
D) Each district shall elect a President and a Secretary/Treasurer with length of terms to be determined by each district.
E) Plan and establish dates of all events at the meeting during the Area Leadership camp and submit these to the state office to be included in the state list of activities.
F) Treasurer will be appointed by the executive committee

2) Duties of Area AST President/Coordinator

A) Correspond with state office, area teachers, executive committee, and area and district FFA officers.
B) Assist with activity committee chairmen and members for the planning of the Area convention, awards and degree check, LDEs, CDEs and leadership camps.
C) Coordinate and chair area teacher and executive committee meetings.
D) Collect, forward and file any and all required materials.
E) Perform any other duties that become the responsibility of the president.

3) Duties of Area AST Vice President

A) Assist the Area President and other officers
B) Assist with the coordination of the Area Convention
C) Assure that plaques and award banners have been ordered for all area contests.

4) Duties of Area AST Secretary

A) Maintain records and minutes of all area business and executive committee meetings
B) Assist in corresponding with area teachers.
C) Coordinate the state officer travel in Area IV.

5) Duties of Area AST Treasurer

A) Collect area dues and maintain area membership roster, area funds, and accounts.
B) Prepare area budget and financial report.
C) Order area FFA officer jackets and coordinate payment of area FFA expenses with area agri-science teacher secretary.

6) Duties of Immediate Past Area President

A) Advise and assist Area President

7) Duties of Area FFA Advisor(s)

A) Assist area coordinator with area activities.
B) Assist area FFA officers in planning area convention, area awards and degree check, area leadership camps and area LDEs and CDEs.
C) Maintain lists of names and addresses of area FFA officers and advisors, as well as district FFA officers and advisors.
D) Correspond with area Ag Science teacher president and secretary to keep them informed of area FFA activities.
E) Keep district Ag Science teacher presidents informed of FFA activities within their district and within the area.
F) Prepare area program of activities and keep area constitution current.
G) Supervise area officers and assist in organizing officer meetings.
H) Correspond with the state FFA executive secretary for the distribution of national convention delegate positions among the area FFA officers.

8) Duties of District Presidents

A) Chair all district meetings and notify teachers of district meetings
B) Coordinate all district awards and degree checks and assist with the district banquet.
C) Coordinate and select judges for the district LDEs.
D) Keep Area Secretary informed of all teacher/school changes within the district.

9) Duties of District Secretary/Treasurer

A) Collect district dues and maintain district FFA roster, funds, and accounts.
B) Keep a record of all district meetings.
C) Order banners and awards for all district contests.
D) Assist district president in corresponding with district teachers.

10) Duties of District FFA Advisor

A) Supervise and assist district FFA president and other officers with FFA activities.
B) Coordinate district FFA activities with those of district Ag Science teachers.
C) Organize and plan the activities for the district LDEs and meetings.
D) Keep area FFA advisor and area Ag science teacher president informed of winners in district LDEs, degree and awards checks, area/district elections and talent contests.
E) Prepare district program of activities and keep district constitution current.
F) District advisors will serve on the state courtesy corps committee during the state FFA convention.

 11) Immediate Past AST Area President

A) Advise and assist Area President


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